Friday, September 11, 2009

The Race Is On

I have heard back about my 'job' and training is just over the horizon! This means more than I can say ( it has been a lot of time, effort and money going into getting this job) now that it is finally here! So what does this have to do with my running? Aside from making sure I have the time booked off...this means THE RACE IS ON! I was feeling very unmotivated and unsure about my running and training because I assumed that I very well might not be able to do the why bother? Don't worry...I didn't entertain this thought for long, but it has made me so happy to not have to even contemplate quiting/continuing because I lacked a good job.

Aside from that riveting and exciting news ( you can role your eyes ;) ) I have my regular 4k run to do in the morning, as the bf has his last slo-pitch tournament of the year so I have to get my run in early. My girlfriend is back in town for the weekend, so perhaps I will get to do my second 10k run with her on Sunday sometime. I admit that I am actually anticipating the long run on Sunday because it will be my second time around and I hope to make it in better time. Ok...and not have to find the toilet every twenty minutes!! do people properly hydrate themselves before a long run and then NOT have to "go" ?? My bf never has to...I almost hate him for it :p . I may never be able to run without using the bathroom, but I sure wish it were possible. Increasing my time or accurately timing my runs may not be possible with regular bathroom breaks. I'll never know how far I can actually GO without a rest break of some kind.
I realize, of course, that this whole project was not about being a sprinter or making out with the best time. I am not fit enough yet to be fast. I drill that into my head as often as this thought occurs, but it's difficult to not be hyper-sensitive about how slow I really am. (mental slap) I'll get over it :p.
---on another side note, my foot is feeling better after a few days of rest so I have no hesitation for my runs this weekend ---

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Progress or so slow it doesn't matter?

Well I have reached my first big running plateau. The last month and more has been spent getting "used" to being active again, using muscles dormant for years, eating and drinking properly. I have discovered through all of this that I am a really slow runner; and I suppose that's to be expected given my inexperience and lack of athleticism. What I have noticed, however, is that it is less difficult to run at my snail's pace than it was when I started. ( high-five's all around!! ) This last weekend was a defining moment in my very short and unremarkable running career - doing a personal best on my 4k run, and doing a 10k instead of 9k for my long run! What was exciting ( and I can't believe I'm referring to running as exciting ) was how I felt after my runs. I wasn't going around each corner praying and hoping for the finish to be there, and I didn't feel so exhausted that I couldn't keep going if I had to. That is a HUGE difference!
Sunday marked the 9km distance for my long run, so the bf and I had planned out a route in the river valley that would be approximately that distance. --On a side note...I still haven't mastered running without having to use the toilet yet. How does anyone drink that much water and NOT pee???--- Anyways. It was a perfect morning for a run so I was quite pumped. There was a great mix of dirt/gravel trails along the river and bike paths and roads. I will fully support trails over pavement/cement any day! It is so much easier to run on and hurts your joints so much LESS when you run. We had to stop for my bathroom break, but other than that we went the first 5k without a hitch. There were quite a few small hills on our run, which is good for training even if hills are the devil. I have begun to see that you have to run quite differently up hills than on flat stretches. Slower strides and deep breathing seems to be the key...boy those hills make you work! Ugh. I admit it was a bit daunting seeing all the runners around us just whipping by at a good clip...where I remained the slow and steady snail :( haha...this too shall pass...or I hope.
On a random note -- during our run there was this punk kid on a bmx bike or something. He seemed to follow us for a time and had the most squeaky bike I've ever heard and he creeped me out. Oh well...he left after a while and I got back into the 'zone'. I noticed during the run that I could actually carry on short conversations with the bf as we went along, not full sentences at a time mind you...but enough to keep up :)
The first half of the run was hard, but definitely the easiest stretch. I had so much less energy on the way back...and those hills...oooh boy did those hills give me a run for my money. But we did it! Instead of 9k, we did 10k! 70 minutes for my run in total...I felt incredible afterwards. I don't know if that's runner's high...or just feeling really good for going the "distance" but I was practically euphoric! Hoo rah!! ( small victory dance...oh yeah...)

Though I heard some of my friends ran it faster than me ( yes I'll admit it disappointed me ) I am just really pleased I did it. I "can" run 10kms! A month ago that never would have been possible.

--- on a side left foot has been hurting me, and I fear it's a hairline/stress fracture...possibly from running. I'll get it checked out if the pain persists, but in the meantime I'm taking a rest day to see how it goes. ---

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

One Month In And I've Already Hurt Myself

**SIGH** Just a quick update here this evening...The 'wrenching' of my knees the other night turned out to be more than just a quick muscle 'ouch'. I had serious aching all day today, but went ahead and tried out my 4km run none the less. BAD idea!! 1.5 Km through my run I started having shooting, sharp pains in my lower front of my knees. So I turned around and walked back home. I am disappointed, for sure, that I wasn't able to do my run today. I feel that any delay is going to absolutely RUIN my training and ability to run the race. The real truth, however, is that my body is much more important and I need to do everything possible to keep it in good working order. The bf thinks I strained some ligaments in my knee and that resting COMPLETELY ( as in no runs, hard walks or vigorous activity) is in order for at least a full day. I sat around and iced my knees and ankles ( they are hurting a bit as well, from how I 'fell' the other night) this evening, and while there is still a mild ache in both knees, it hurt considerably less to walk up my stairs afterwards.

I have never had knee problems a day in my life! I'm in my 20's for goodness sake, not my 40's. It is so frustrating feeling pain in an area that always 'works' for me. I'll get over it...I just don't like the feeling of getting behind everyone else ( this is all in my mind, just for the records...let it be noted that I am becoming a TEENY bit neurotic about all of this :p). The plan is to do some core work tomorrow and maybe some light arm work, but nothing involving my legs or knees. I'll keep you updated on how the old hams feel after a day of rest!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

8 Km Under the Belt

The title says it all! I have survived my 8km run. Now I was supposed to run on the weekend, but things didn't quite work out that way. I did my Saturday run as per usual, and then went with the bf for a soft ball tournament outside the city all that day. Sunday was the last day of the tournament, and we'd originally planned to run that night. The last game of the day and he goes to slide and gets a nice gash on his leg, so running was totally out of the question. We spent a good chunk of the evening getting his foot cleaned up at the medi-centre and for some reason we agreed to go over to a friends for supper....which lead to drinking....lots of drinking. So Sunday night was a no-show in every possible way :p
It was really hot yesterday, somewhere around 30 degrees Celsius, so running during the day was not an option for me. I haven't got the conditioning yet to run during heat like that, so I opted for an evening run instead. I will admit that I was just terrified to run alone. I can push myself for 20 or so minutes on my regular weekly runs, but the prospect of running an hour or more just freaks me out. But I bucked up and did my run right at dusk...which was a great choice because the temperature dropped nicely and there was a cool breeze all through my run. I will say, however, that it is a good idea to be aware of available bathrooms. I had to make a pit stop during my run, and luckily there was a gas station right around a street corner! PHEW. Aside from struggling to see the pavement the last 10 minutes of my run, things went really well . I wrenched my knee a bit when I wasn't paying attention and stepped off a sidewalk the wrong way. I was worried I'd injured myself, but things seem fine this morning aside from a bit of stiffness and general muscle soreness.
All in all....I ran my 8km in 64 minutes, give or take a few due to bathroom breaks. I am actually quite proud of myself! Here I am miss un-motivated, miss 'I need company to run' and I went out and did it all on my own. Did I mention that my mp3 player was left at home? I ran over an hour in silence...just watching my breathing, working on posture and taking in the sights of my neighborhood. Woo for me! (cough cough) Anyways. I have a 4k to run today, but the stomach isn't feeling so hot today so I might hold off until later this afternoon...We shall see, but it will get done!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Bitch Is Back


I have no idea what that means, but it sounded neat in my there ya go. Onto business then, shall we? I just got back from my 3k run . Perhaps you wonder why it is so late...well...there was a little problem with me being really tired last night, ignoring my alarm clock...and being a lazy sack of ____ . The important thing is that I did go running. I have conferred with some of the girls I'm training with and some of them have had some complications due to their work schedules so have not been running as regularly ( they are all a bunch of tree huggers who go out into the bush to study umm..stuff). So as I was eating my breakfast ( around 11am I might add ) I kept thinking that it would be alright if I missed ONE day of running. ( smack smack punch in the face!!) That is crazy talk! I can't let the ups and downs of my friends dictate how I train. The sad fact is that those girls can get away with missing some runs, because they have not spent the last 20 some years being total couch potatoes....nuff said.

SOOOO off I went on my run this morning, telling myself that if I can run 3k without stopping on my long runs,t hen I can damn well do it on my regular runs. The problem, I think, is that I know my destination and I know where the cut off point is. My mind gets all neurotic and screams "break time" because it knows where I am. The run went fine...minus a minor problem of having to pee like a HORSE 3/4 of the way through my run. What did I do? High tailed it back to a convenience store and took care of business! It was short, and I didn't count it as a rest because I didn't plan for it. Does that count as cheating? With my potty break I finished my run at 22:39 , so I figure I ran the thing in 20 minutes give or take. I'm happy with that....though after hearing that my one gf (the one that got me into this) ran hers in 16 min...makes me wanna smash and mash!!! ( think hulk, but more attractive and pale).

This weekend will be interesting for a few reasons. The first is that this will mark my 8k run...which is a little scary, and makes me worry I'll have that 'chilled' feeling again during my run. Second reason...the bf has a slo-pitch tournament all weekend and we aren't sure yet how we'll schedule the run in. I "could" go alone, but let's be honest here...I would suck on my own. I can run short distances on my own, but the longer ones require company and motivation. I'm going to hope for the best and see what shakes down.

I'm off for some relaxing fun this evening, ciao!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Junk Run

I think the title says it's run was junk. I started out my run mid morning and it was just my luck that it happened to be a very warm warm morning. So off I go, doing my warm up for the run (walking for a ways) and as soon as I start to run my body just feels.."off"..not sure exactly what was off, or weird, but it was. My right leg or quad I should say, felt really tense/flexed the whole time I ran. About half way through my run I had to stop and walk for a good minute just trying to breathe and fix my leg somehow ( did various stretches, but nothing seemed helpful). It really didn't help that as I ran (re: crawled/walked/wobbled) I kept thinking about how terrible I was running!

I know...I know. First basic rule of undergoing any task is to have your head on straight, so to speak. Psychology is hugely important to success in any venture, especially when trying something challenging and new. I understand this all very well intellectually, but when it comes down to physically running, being outside, sweating, being sore and depressed?? Things are different. I shouldn't get so down on myself...but I can't help wanting evident results NOW. I want to be a faster, less exhausted runner NOW...not three or four weeks from now. Things don't happen over night, or in a few weeks.

(Mental Face Slap!!! )

In other news - Something that has cheered me up immensely, has been signing up on Runner's World online forums. I now have access to hundreds if not thousands of runners around the world...definitely a bonus. Since none of my friends are experts in fitness/running, I feel somewhat more confident asking questions on this forum, knowing I have a huge pool of runners to sample from!

The agenda for tomorrow is an hour long uphill walk, or failing that walking on the treadmill at a good incline for the same time. I will probably opt for the TM because it is much easier to access than good walking trails in the heart of the city. Along with my alternate activity...I really need to work on eating habits. I don't eat like a pig ( no over eating really, not lots of junk, pop, chips, fatty foods) but I need to learn how to eat in a way that benefits me the most.

A neat fact I learned is that when you finish a run, something great to drink is 1% or 2% chocolate milk! Who doesn't LOVE chocolate milk?! Granted you can't drink a litre or jug, but 250ml or 500ml is a great post-run snack! It has calcium, some sugars, carbs, protein, and tastes so so yummy :)

I have been reading a lot of running articles, forums, blogs, etc. The depressing thing that has most stuck out to me in these various forums has been just how long it truly takes to transform your body and your mind into that of a "runner". Curse you time...and effort...and sweat, blood, tears, blisters, and all the less than fun things associated with getting " in shape " :p

Later my friends...I'm off to bed

Sunday, August 23, 2009

End Week Two - Can I stop yet? this last week has met with some conflicts - mainly my terrible sinus cold and my inability to heal instantaneously (there go my hopes of joining X-Men,. sigh..). I ran Tuesday, as planned, but the rest of the week was a gong show! Not only was I congested and gross, but because I went away for the weekend to a wedding I ended up being exhausted and tired to boot. I will give this one piece of unsolicited advice.... when going to a family event, even in the spirit of thriftiness, do NOT share a room with one's parents. Especially when one's mother snores like a freight train and you forgot how truly horrible it is! End of story!
I had thought Saturday morning could work ( as I was feeling improved and had brought my running gear) but with the lateness of the wedding reception that night, being in a strange city, NOT knowing where to run or how far, it ended up being just as lame as my previous run-days. SIGH.
On an aside here....I was pretty excited to share my new life style changes with my family when we met up for the wedding. I was chatting with aunts and uncles, being questioned about my recent activities and BAM I spilled the beans that I am a reformed couch potato! TA DA! ( and there was silence in the room, an awkward cough or too...and no real response to my life altering news). It would appear that running is the new ' hip thing', the new pop culture craze and not particularly surprising at all! :/ So you mean to tell me that my most difficult life change to date wont even get a 'blip' on the radar screen ???? Where is the justice in that?! Ha ha...anyways.

This morning marked my official 'two week' mark for training - though in actuality, it's been only over a week with my cold ! I still have this terrible cold, but as I am no longer chained to the Kleenex box I figured I'd give my 7K a try. OH MOTHER OF GOOD GRAVY it was hard!! I think it was a terrible combination of my cold ( can't breathe properly or much at all) and the course we chose to run ( a huge chunk of it was uphill ). I did well the first 3k or so...the path was flat, there was a good breeze and I was able to stop for a quick sip of water. The second half is what I like to call....never ending hell :) It sure was fun!
I made it, which is great. I'm glad that I was still able to complete my run, cold or no cold, but my time was terrible and I am not even going to mention it on the blog because I know it's a reflection of being really sick....not super super super slow. :p

This week brings some more 3 and 4 k runs ( I'll have to double check my training schedule) more weights and getting back into the swing of things. I hope to have this cold beat in a day or so...but we'll see what my body decides to do. I'll keep you posted or give notice if I start to die .

Cheers for now!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My conundrum

I wake up this morning and all I feel is intense pressure in my head - good morning sinus cold!
I assumed that if I rested for the morning that I would be able to do my alternate activity and weights. Sadly, I was far too 'gross' to do more than lie on my couch and drink tea/use up multiple boxes of Kleenex.
So I take a 'rest' day in every sense of the word - the silly thing is that I felt as though I was 'cheating' on my running! I suppose that shows my dedication is actually present...which is good. On the other hand...I now have to wonder how long it will take me to recoup from this cold and get back to training. I leave for a wedding over the next three days, and have plans to fun while I'm gone. This cold sure puts a kink in all my plans. Do I push through it and run tomorrow morning, or do I wait until I feel totally recovered before taxing my body ?? And if I run tomorrow, will it slow down my recovery so that my distance run on Sunday is in jeopardy?
Sigh... I have no idea.
I think my best bet will be to run tomorrow, but not track my time or push for speed. Maybe do 2k instead of 3...but I'll decide in the morning.
Since I won't be able to access the Internet while I'm gone, I'll just sum up my activity for the next few days. I need to do two more 3 k runs, one day of just weights/body weight activity and then my Sunday 7k run. Let's hope I recover from this damn cold in enough time to actually progress this week.

While weight loss was never the goal of this activity ( I'm lazy, not fat ) it was gratifying to see a small decrease on the scale this morning none the less! :D


The core of the issue

I have had two days to recover from my run on Sunday, and nothing is broken, bent or in poor working order. Victory!! ( Aside from the time yesterday where my butt felt like it was filled with lead).

Running has not really turned out to be what I thought it would be, in several ways. The obvious surprise was the level of difficulty I have had to contend with in my training so far. I feel that I could run a month of steady 3k runs and STILL not pick up speed or endurance, but I know rationally that things are already starting to come along. I ran my 3k inside on the treadmill today as mother nature once again decided to thwart me with a rain/hail storm. I was able to run the full distance without stopping today, though I am unsure if that is due to any personal improvement or the indoor conditions. There was the nice bonus of being less ' red in the face' today, though I was much more sweaty ( I just can't win...I seem to either end up looking terrible or smelling terrible). Thursday will prove to be a more accurate assessment of any potentially gained ' endurance'.

Another surprise from this endeavor, has been the variety of activities that I have had to engage in just to be better prepared for the half-marathon. On the days that I run, I have to stretch afterwards but also work on my core muscles and overall physical fitness. When I have an alternate activity I do the same stretching but engage more heavily in free weights and muscle-building activity ( since I don't have a gym membership, this means using my own body weight to build muscle as best I can). This work is hard! SURPRISE , SURPRISE! I was sitting with my boyfriend today and leaned ever so slightly to the side when I felt distinct muscle pain. I say to him "my side thingies hurt... it hurts just to breathe!" and he just looks and me and says ' oh , your obliques. ' .... '' oh my obliques''??? I was wondering why on earth my 'side thingies' were so sore. In the past (as little as three weeks ago) muscle pain was reserved for long hours of travel, random attacks of clumsiness or freak accidents. I have never 'felt' my muscles more that in the last few weeks. Crunches, plank and core-strengthening exorcises sure seem to hit me hard. I really never thought of all the muscle toning and strengthening I'd have to undergo just to be able to run! Who says that you need good abs or any at all to run anyways?? Well...aside from every notable runner or reliable source of information that is....hmmm.

According to my friends, this muscle soreness will eventually pass and that right now it serves as an indicator of how much I'm really doing to strengthen my body. I guess that's a good thing...and I'll take what I can get. If that means that the next few weeks will be filled with painful breathing, movement and general 'getting about', I can accept that. I sure wish they made oblique sized ice packs though :p . OH..ha ha...for those of you unaware of which muscles I am speaking of, they are the muscles that line the sides of your 'rib cage' or that general area (an area not commonly used by a couch potato). I tell you...being a couch potato was such a comfortable life...the only muscle pain i ever felt then was a sore back from sitting on my ass all day flipping channels.
Sigh...that was the life ;)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Boy was I red in the face

This morning came and thank God the sun was shining! Through a misadventure with the dryer, I am now out one pair of running pants ( they are a good 5 inches too short now), so all I had were my black spandex pair . I will admit that the weather was not the only 'worry' on my mind this morning ; I had this dreadful fear that I would pass out after the first 3k, embarrass myself horribly, have sweat marks on my bum AND wimp out on my two running buddies.

I was lucky enough to be joined by the girlfriend that started this all (names will not be mentioned ;) ) as well as my boyfriend. They were the perfect pair of 'cheer leaders' for me this morning. It was a little demoralizing to see that they ran easily ( without huffing and puffing) , where as I chugged along like a blond steam train. Ha ha...oh man. We ran a great route though - lots of natural paths along the river, in trees, brush and a mix of bridges and bike paths as well. There was always something to look at, people to watch, etc. We were able to take in the many other individuals getting their exercise on a nice Sunday morning ( reference women jogging with her knees bent inward, legs flailing like a flapper and see-through white track shorts....O_o ) .

I will say that this experience ( though it's only been a full week as yet ) has quite humbled me as to my physical prowess. I am not able to just bounce out of bed and run until I feel like stopping...I am quite limited by my level of fitness ( can you have a negative level ? ), my psyche and my determination. I have lived so long as a glorified couch potato that it seems almost WRONG to deviate from this comfortable life path. I am glad in many respects to be doing this, however, because I actually feel good about myself and what I'm doing with my spare time. I'm bettering myself in a way that I've never tried before. I can no longer sit on my couch eating an entire bag of chips, or a tub of delicious cake icing while watching movies all night ( we've all done it so don't tsk tsk at me for being honest ). It might be hard to resist old temptations...but I think I can do it. If I can run 6k without totally dying or exploding in the heat...then I can carry on and work towards my 7k run next week. The time for the run today was about 40 minutes or we forgot to start timing until a few minutes had already past. I'm satisfied ( joking...elated! ) with the time. Next time might even be better :)

I'll let you know how it goes :p

Saturday, August 15, 2009

It's the 6km shake down

Alright...quick synopsis of today's events -- I ran the 3k as per usual and was again able to beat my first running time. I clocked in at 20:43 but I admit to pushing myself the last couple hundred meters, so it may not be reflective of my 'real' running time. Oh well :P
On a side note...a bunch of teenage punks were hogging the side walk as I was running and could they be bothered to move?? NOOOO not even an few feet. So I had to run around a group of them, nearly onto the road, just to get back on path.
What have I learned from this? Being enraged at 'kids these days' really helps distract you from running and the pains it perhaps it's a good thing? Haha...maybe people should get into frustrating but harmless fights with people prior to running so you can get all your rage out and huff and puff about it . Then before you know it...BAM...your run is done. I think it's a good plan ;) .

I'm off for the night, but thought I would comment that there is now supposed to be NO RAIN tomorrow morning! This is phenomenal! Now I can go for my 6k and not soak my pants, shoes, socks, hair, etc. WOO! haha...k....I'll stop being dramatic again.

Friday, August 14, 2009

When it pours

So I wake up this morning all ready for my weights and alternate activity ( skipping rope until I'm sweaty and trembling - doesn't take long :( ) only to find that nature had snuck up on me and decided to rain. RAIN. Oh crap! How do I run in the rain?? I don't own any of those fancy running jackets that are waterproof but breathe well and slick away your sweat ( those suckers run like $100! )... all I have is a windbreaker that will probably keep all my body heat inside so I'll eventually be as wet on the inside as on the outside. Crap!

I am now officially terrified of my Sunday run. If it takes me around 22 min to run 3k, it will probably take me close to an hour to do 6k. An hour spent THE RAIN. (Insert all manner of expletives, rinse and repeat )

I can tell you one thing I have learned from once living in the Vancouver area for some number of years...and that is...I HATE being wet. I hate rain. I hate humid rain. I hate cold rain. I hate having soggy hair, and needing to change my socks and shoes twice a day. Ugh.

K....I'll stop my drama queen moment here. (Mental Face Slap! )

On another note, I now have a recipe for 'homemade' energy drinks. While there are lots of products out there , they generally tend to confuse me with their terminology and lingo. I don't know what the hell half of those drinks do, or why they are 280 it good calories or I drinking sugar or chemicals? SO - homemade it is!


1 Quart boiled water (or filtered tap/bottled)

3 Tbsp 100% orange juice

1 Tsp salt

2 Tbsp corn syrup

This comes recommended from my boyfriend, who is much more in shape and active than I...his career dictates that he is, so he is a handy source of 'health' information.

On another note - my wasp bites have not yet gone away, and have formed a tight 'ball' on my lower calf that is red, hot and alternately itches and throbs. I am quite annoyed with insects right now...pretty much wish I could drop an A Bomb on all their asses and see how they like it! And that's my rant of the day :p

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The weekend looms before me like a scary clown

Yes...I said 'scary clown'. Who doesn't think clowns are just a "little" bit on the freaky and unnatural side of things?? ( Anyone growing up watching ' Are you afraid of the dark' and 'goosebumps' knows this to be true!)

The weekend scares me because while Saturday will be the usual 3km run, which I hope will be even faster and easier than it was today, Sunday will be a 6km run...a distance I have never travelled at a speed quicker than a walk. I am taking the advice of running websites, books and other find some running buddies to motivate, keep things fun and a bit more interesting.
This is a great link to a 'beginners only' discussion forum on the Runner's World online magazine They discuss a lot of issues that have pertained to my own struggles - breathing, pacing, motivation, etc.

I admit to being more than a little discouraged by my current running route . In the city it can be hard to find 'mappable' running routes, where you can track the K's, so I have just been running a route parallel to a main street ( which means noise, people, distractions and ugly scenery). The one nice thing about Sunday, is that we are running in the valley where they have some really nice paths. 6K's of 'nice' is at least better than a view of buildings and the smells of traffic and exhaust.

So far I average 22 minutes for my 3km runs...which I hear is pretty much average for a beginning time. I have friends running it from 12 minutes to 27, so I figure my time isn't all that terrible. When I stop to catch my breath and pull my lungs back into my body ( ha ha ) I take a moment and think about the overall distance I have to run. How the HELL am I going to make it 21 K's when I can barely make it 1.5 K's without needing to rest? From this point on my mind spirals downward into a pit of runner's despair - everyone running will be faster, I wont finish in time, I'll puke all over myself or pass out, I'll not train enough to even make it, etc, etc.

I understand ( more and more every day) that a large portion of this battle is psychological. If you don't believe you can do it ( or the little voices inside your head tell you you can't :p ) then you wont succeed. I am finding out as I run and carry out my training schedule that I am running a little bit on empty on the 'mental' side of things. Since I've never tested myself physically I am completely unaware of my it leaves me unsure, a little confused and wondering if I'm under training in every way.

Telling people I was doing this insane and crazy run was part of my initial plan for forced motivation - if I declare myself publicly then I'll be tarred and feathered if I back out :p. It's been interesting to see, though, that my friends and family have really stepped up and encouraged me as I go alone. Awesome bonus - motivation to avoid public humiliation and automatic support group.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Running can't be that bad if I get to go shoe shopping...right?

In the short amount of time that I have had to consider my new found 'athletic' career I have discovered that I am quite ignorant and in the dark about 'running'. I never thought that running required any kind of real preparation or research. Don't you just tie your shoes and hit the play-list on your MP3 Player??

A few days after the initial 'ambush' as I call it, my girlfriend and I decided to have our own little 'pow wow' to figure all of the details for the half-marathon. I assumed we'd talk dates, places, registering and when we'd start running together. We sit down and I am once again hit by a proverbial train. She starts dishing out words and phrases I had never heard of, let alone would have applied to running; figuring out what kind of ' pronater ' I am ( which sounds like a term for animal behavior in the wilds of Africa or some such... ' she pronates well with others, but doesn't like to share her food ' ), how to 'carb load', proper breathing, stretching, Do's and Don'ts of running, clothes to wear ( there are special clothes?!) , proper shoes to buy, how to map out routes for training, and ON and ON and ON it went! All the while I am having an internal break down because there is little hope left that I will have time or permission to sit on my butt anylonger and stuff my face with terrible, but delicious food while taking in my latest reality TV show... sigh...

I have a recently purchased pair of running shoes that I bought from a discount sporting good store. On the rare occasion that I use my treadmill or go out hiking, I dust these puppies off and give them a whirl. I assumed when I started this process that these shoes would suite my needs just fine. I'm not made of money, who needs new runners?? BAD BAD BAD idea. I am by no means a professional or experienced runner, but from what I have read so far, your feet are the most important tool you have for running. There are lists upon lists of the terrible costs you can incur if proper footwear is not your priority --- think of fallen arches, shin-splints, pulled tendons, swollen joints, sprains, BAD KNEES, and generally all manner of pain . Do one thing for yourself if you take up any kind of 'running', even if it's just recreational....get a damn good pair of shoes. ( Be prepared to pay on average $120.00 )

I went and checked out my local Running Room , which is a chain of stores that deals specifically with running and all of the equipment it requires. You can go there for free assessments, advice, training tips, free running clinics and information on your local marathons and races. It was there that one of my girlfriends ' lingo' words came back to me...and finally made sense...pronation. What is that, exactly? In my non-foot-scientist is essentially how you walk, and how you position your feet in relation to your body. I am considered a normal or average pronator. Check out this link from Runner's World website, it provides a great explanation.,7120,s6-240-319-327-7727-0,00.html

I have also included a link to the pair of shoes that I finally settled on - remember that brand name isn't always everything. Check to see how many km's the shoes will last and what 'terrain' it is designed for.Some name brands that have a lot of public support wear out 200 or 300 km's before others! That makes a big difference when you start digging into running ( which I haven't yet...but don't I sound professional saying it like that? ).

There are a lot of things that I could prattle on about - like how crazy I have to be to voluntarily sign up for 16 weeks of hell just so I can run half a marathon in early winter and pay to do so??? Man I could talk about that all night. But again, I fear I digress...

On another note - I have started my running , doing 3km's tue, thurs, sat and weights/alternative activities mon, wed and friday. Sunday is devoted to a run double that of your weekly distance runs ... so this sunday I will run 6 km's. ( I'll post more details about the training...once I understand it better)

So far I have trouble breathing ( apparently there is a WAY to breathe when you run involving your diaphram and 'belly breathing' ) and run slower than a dead snail... seriously slow. I couldn't run a km without stopping. You start off feeling good, looking snazzy in your little shorts and then BAM...where did all the air go ?? Seriously...someone took it.

One day down...tomorrow morning brings another run. Oh Joy.

And on an unrelated note... while I was walking today ( alternate activity ) nature decided that it is going to have its revenge and kick my lilly white ass...or sting it. I walked over an electric grid on the sidewalk and was suddenly swarmed by some wasps where I then started to hop around like a crazy lady ( there were some old men gardenning accross the street pointing some kind of trowel my way ) and yell at the world for getting poison pumped into my leg. Awesome. Thanks my leg not only hurts like a ( insert expletive ), it also makes wearing pants pretty damn hard.

...and on that happy I go to bed. Night ;)

Hell hath no fury like a denied couch-potato

Every bone , cell, thought and instinct within my body screams a violent NO as it now realizes that it resides in couch-potato hell. I now have websites about blister prevention, joint injury and electrolyte supplements tabbed in my ' favorites ' bar where there used to be items for shopping and entertainment. Let me tell you how this began...

A few weeks ago I lived a luxurious, indulgent and self-satisfying life-style ; not a care in the world my body and I. While innocently indulging in a few cocktails, (and a plate of fully-loaded nachos ) I was ambushed by my closest friend on a matter of GRAVE importance, or so she said. What matter could this be? Is she moving to Alaska ( the one place colder than here ), or perhaps changing careers...maybe she's adopting another cat ? I listened intently waiting to hear her life-altering plans, where upon I would support her and say soothing words of encouragement such as " there, there" and " buck'll get better soon", the kinds of things that don't require any physical involvement on my end ( the style of a true couch-potato ).
"I was thinking..." she says as I listen expectantly " ...that maybe we should train for a half-marathon. What do you think, wouldn't that be FUN? "...

I made SOME kind of noise and generally stared at her uncomprehendingly....uhhhh.... 0_o ....
( Imagine if you will...a nuclear bomb, glass shattering, worlds crumbling, illusions shattering and general mourning as though life as we know it has ended ) .

"Ha ha ... WHAT? " ( I laugh when I'm nervous...big deal...everyone does )

That was the beginning of the end....of my days as a much indulged and glorious couch-potato.

I know have entered the truly bizarre and illogical world of 'athletes' ( that word just makes me cringe and think of smelly gym socks ). The most athletic I ever get is rapid channel-changing between 'tense' moments on reality TV! ( reference last season of The Bachelor, anyone?? Jason was such a dog! ). Anyways...I digress...

While nearly every fibre of my being resists this notion of sudden activity and physicality, I did manage to find motivation to say YES to my girlfriend .... It isn't some glorious notion of being a better person ( or it wasn't when I first began...things have a way of evolving as we go along ). It was, instead, the result of a phone call I made that same night. I have a very good friend on the Canadian west coast ( I'm more central ) who is a very active runner ( she has a good 10 years of distance running under her belt ). I called her following my ambush . When I ( half-jokingly) told her I was signing up for a half-marathon....she laughed . Continuously. For MINUTES!

laughter from esteemed and athletic friend = Instant motivation

So here we go...In the following entries I will post my training schedule, my discoveries, doubts, fears, neurosis (haha kidding?), accomplishments ( God willing there WILL be some of those ) and my general thoughts on this whole....anti-couch-potato lifestyle I've gotten into.

If anyone out there reads this, has an opinion, an experience or similar hellish activities...give me your 2 Cents ( no seriously... you could send me the money...protein bars are expensive! ) :P