Tuesday, September 1, 2009

8 Km Under the Belt

The title says it all! I have survived my 8km run. Now I was supposed to run on the weekend, but things didn't quite work out that way. I did my Saturday run as per usual, and then went with the bf for a soft ball tournament outside the city all that day. Sunday was the last day of the tournament, and we'd originally planned to run that night. The last game of the day and he goes to slide and gets a nice gash on his leg, so running was totally out of the question. We spent a good chunk of the evening getting his foot cleaned up at the medi-centre and for some reason we agreed to go over to a friends for supper....which lead to drinking....lots of drinking. So Sunday night was a no-show in every possible way :p
It was really hot yesterday, somewhere around 30 degrees Celsius, so running during the day was not an option for me. I haven't got the conditioning yet to run during heat like that, so I opted for an evening run instead. I will admit that I was just terrified to run alone. I can push myself for 20 or so minutes on my regular weekly runs, but the prospect of running an hour or more just freaks me out. But I bucked up and did my run right at dusk...which was a great choice because the temperature dropped nicely and there was a cool breeze all through my run. I will say, however, that it is a good idea to be aware of available bathrooms. I had to make a pit stop during my run, and luckily there was a gas station right around a street corner! PHEW. Aside from struggling to see the pavement the last 10 minutes of my run, things went really well . I wrenched my knee a bit when I wasn't paying attention and stepped off a sidewalk the wrong way. I was worried I'd injured myself, but things seem fine this morning aside from a bit of stiffness and general muscle soreness.
All in all....I ran my 8km in 64 minutes, give or take a few due to bathroom breaks. I am actually quite proud of myself! Here I am miss un-motivated, miss 'I need company to run' and I went out and did it all on my own. Did I mention that my mp3 player was left at home? I ran over an hour in silence...just watching my breathing, working on posture and taking in the sights of my neighborhood. Woo for me! (cough cough) Anyways. I have a 4k to run today, but the stomach isn't feeling so hot today so I might hold off until later this afternoon...We shall see, but it will get done!


  1. Yay! Congrats on a good run! :) Glad you were able to make it on your own - you have to be able to rely on yourself - especially when in a few weeks time, all our "short" runs will be 8 km! :-s Geez I hope things speed up by then or we'll spend all night running...

  2. I have no dillusions about my speed...I think I'll be lucky to finish the half in 3hours. It might be faster, but I couldn't guess by how much.('they' say that speed comes after endurance does).To update on the knee...or knees I should say, they aren't doing so hot. Turns out I did injure myself. Hopefully a day of full rest will get me back in good health.
