Wednesday, September 2, 2009

One Month In And I've Already Hurt Myself

**SIGH** Just a quick update here this evening...The 'wrenching' of my knees the other night turned out to be more than just a quick muscle 'ouch'. I had serious aching all day today, but went ahead and tried out my 4km run none the less. BAD idea!! 1.5 Km through my run I started having shooting, sharp pains in my lower front of my knees. So I turned around and walked back home. I am disappointed, for sure, that I wasn't able to do my run today. I feel that any delay is going to absolutely RUIN my training and ability to run the race. The real truth, however, is that my body is much more important and I need to do everything possible to keep it in good working order. The bf thinks I strained some ligaments in my knee and that resting COMPLETELY ( as in no runs, hard walks or vigorous activity) is in order for at least a full day. I sat around and iced my knees and ankles ( they are hurting a bit as well, from how I 'fell' the other night) this evening, and while there is still a mild ache in both knees, it hurt considerably less to walk up my stairs afterwards.

I have never had knee problems a day in my life! I'm in my 20's for goodness sake, not my 40's. It is so frustrating feeling pain in an area that always 'works' for me. I'll get over it...I just don't like the feeling of getting behind everyone else ( this is all in my mind, just for the records...let it be noted that I am becoming a TEENY bit neurotic about all of this :p). The plan is to do some core work tomorrow and maybe some light arm work, but nothing involving my legs or knees. I'll keep you updated on how the old hams feel after a day of rest!



  1. Well thats crap! :( I'm going to my doctor today to ask about my shitty knees (amoung other things) so maybe he'll have a juicy tidbit I can share with you about knees. Welcome to craptacular-kneeville. :( Talk about falling behind - I only realized this morning that our runs have increased to 4 km and I haven't even been running often enough to notice it! One day of rest isn't going to ruin anything and the worst thing you can do is run on an injured leg - it only makes things worse!

  2. Tell me what you discover from your doctor! We need a personl 'medic' I go get one :) And call me sometime!!
