Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Bitch Is Back


I have no idea what that means, but it sounded neat in my there ya go. Onto business then, shall we? I just got back from my 3k run . Perhaps you wonder why it is so late...well...there was a little problem with me being really tired last night, ignoring my alarm clock...and being a lazy sack of ____ . The important thing is that I did go running. I have conferred with some of the girls I'm training with and some of them have had some complications due to their work schedules so have not been running as regularly ( they are all a bunch of tree huggers who go out into the bush to study umm..stuff). So as I was eating my breakfast ( around 11am I might add ) I kept thinking that it would be alright if I missed ONE day of running. ( smack smack punch in the face!!) That is crazy talk! I can't let the ups and downs of my friends dictate how I train. The sad fact is that those girls can get away with missing some runs, because they have not spent the last 20 some years being total couch potatoes....nuff said.

SOOOO off I went on my run this morning, telling myself that if I can run 3k without stopping on my long runs,t hen I can damn well do it on my regular runs. The problem, I think, is that I know my destination and I know where the cut off point is. My mind gets all neurotic and screams "break time" because it knows where I am. The run went fine...minus a minor problem of having to pee like a HORSE 3/4 of the way through my run. What did I do? High tailed it back to a convenience store and took care of business! It was short, and I didn't count it as a rest because I didn't plan for it. Does that count as cheating? With my potty break I finished my run at 22:39 , so I figure I ran the thing in 20 minutes give or take. I'm happy with that....though after hearing that my one gf (the one that got me into this) ran hers in 16 min...makes me wanna smash and mash!!! ( think hulk, but more attractive and pale).

This weekend will be interesting for a few reasons. The first is that this will mark my 8k run...which is a little scary, and makes me worry I'll have that 'chilled' feeling again during my run. Second reason...the bf has a slo-pitch tournament all weekend and we aren't sure yet how we'll schedule the run in. I "could" go alone, but let's be honest here...I would suck on my own. I can run short distances on my own, but the longer ones require company and motivation. I'm going to hope for the best and see what shakes down.

I'm off for some relaxing fun this evening, ciao!


  1. No missing days of running!! I'll be harsh here and say that since you don't work yet you have absolutely no excuse not to run! (Except maybe when you're sick and dying or in shock like last time :p). So much of running is mental though - I've had the bonus of generally always working out alone so I've learned to motivate myself...that may come with time but it's a good thing to try and do. There may not always be people available to motivate you if you can't motivate yourself! And it will get easier and you won't want to die every time you run and when you do feel like falling over, you ENJOY it because it means you worked hard! :)

  2. shhh why do you bring up my joblessness?? :( haha...but you are right, I have to learn to motivate myself. If running tomorrow at 6am doesn't scream commitment, I don't know what does ;) I'm going to try no music in the morning, and trying counting my steps. A runner on the RW website said it helps...we will see. Good luck getting your run in this weekend!
