Sunday, August 23, 2009

End Week Two - Can I stop yet? this last week has met with some conflicts - mainly my terrible sinus cold and my inability to heal instantaneously (there go my hopes of joining X-Men,. sigh..). I ran Tuesday, as planned, but the rest of the week was a gong show! Not only was I congested and gross, but because I went away for the weekend to a wedding I ended up being exhausted and tired to boot. I will give this one piece of unsolicited advice.... when going to a family event, even in the spirit of thriftiness, do NOT share a room with one's parents. Especially when one's mother snores like a freight train and you forgot how truly horrible it is! End of story!
I had thought Saturday morning could work ( as I was feeling improved and had brought my running gear) but with the lateness of the wedding reception that night, being in a strange city, NOT knowing where to run or how far, it ended up being just as lame as my previous run-days. SIGH.
On an aside here....I was pretty excited to share my new life style changes with my family when we met up for the wedding. I was chatting with aunts and uncles, being questioned about my recent activities and BAM I spilled the beans that I am a reformed couch potato! TA DA! ( and there was silence in the room, an awkward cough or too...and no real response to my life altering news). It would appear that running is the new ' hip thing', the new pop culture craze and not particularly surprising at all! :/ So you mean to tell me that my most difficult life change to date wont even get a 'blip' on the radar screen ???? Where is the justice in that?! Ha ha...anyways.

This morning marked my official 'two week' mark for training - though in actuality, it's been only over a week with my cold ! I still have this terrible cold, but as I am no longer chained to the Kleenex box I figured I'd give my 7K a try. OH MOTHER OF GOOD GRAVY it was hard!! I think it was a terrible combination of my cold ( can't breathe properly or much at all) and the course we chose to run ( a huge chunk of it was uphill ). I did well the first 3k or so...the path was flat, there was a good breeze and I was able to stop for a quick sip of water. The second half is what I like to call....never ending hell :) It sure was fun!
I made it, which is great. I'm glad that I was still able to complete my run, cold or no cold, but my time was terrible and I am not even going to mention it on the blog because I know it's a reflection of being really sick....not super super super slow. :p

This week brings some more 3 and 4 k runs ( I'll have to double check my training schedule) more weights and getting back into the swing of things. I hope to have this cold beat in a day or so...but we'll see what my body decides to do. I'll keep you posted or give notice if I start to die .

Cheers for now!

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